Leadership Workshop for General Counsel and Senior in-house counsel

Co organized with Femmes de loi, femmes d’exception and Harvard University

Harvard Law School Executive Education Leadership Workshop: Driving Innovation in Your Legal Department

Professor Scott Westfahl, Director of Harvard Law School Executive Education, will present this program to help General Counsel and senior in-house lawyers to understand how more effectively to drive innovation, motivate others and gain buy-in for new initiatives.  The program will consist of two highly interactive presentations:

8:15am to 9am:          Networking Breakfast and Introductions

9am to 10am:             Session One:  Understanding the Drivers of Innovation

This session first explores six key factors of organizational culture that predict how ready an organization is for innovation, with specific examples about how law departments can improve on each of the six factors.  Participants will work in small groups to trade thoughts and ideas about how ready their legal departments are for innovation and what they can do to improve upon one or more of the six critical factors identified.  We will then share among the larger group to have specific, new ideas to implement in  your legal department.

10am to 10:15am:      Networking break

10:15am to 11:45am:  Session Two:  Understanding the Psychology of Motivation and Influence

This session begins by establishing how strategy principles apply in the market for talent and ow leaders need to focus on differentiating their organization to attract and retain the best people.  We will then explore the factors that drive attorney engagement both from related data but also through the lens of the psychology of motivation, with concrete examples of what in house leaders can do to more successfully engage and motivate their attorneys.  We will also discuss particular nuances relating to the workplace expectations of millennials and how applying motivational psychology to building more structured, effective teams will result in both better client service as well as higher attorney engagement, development and loyalty.  Finally, to help in house leaders more effectively drive change, the session will illustrate how to apply principles drawn from the psychology of influence to gain buy-in among various key stakeholders and across an organization.

11:45am to Noon:      Concluding remarks

Breakfast and Registration from 8:15 am to 8:45 am