🥂Le débat sera suivi d’un verre amical.🥂
Intervenants :
👉 Amy Porter, National Officer at Democrats Abroad France. Democrats Abroad France.
A voter in Florida, Amy Porter has been living in France since 1987. She has managed marketing and communications teams in the technology sector and ran her own consulting company for seven years. Today, she creates content for social networks and coordinates a team of 20 spokespeople across France.
👉 Randy Yaloz, French and American Attorney, President of Republicans Overseas Action (Worldwide) and France.
Modérateur :
👉 Aubin Gonzalez Lapos, enseigne Political Institutions à Sciences Po Paris (Campus Amérique du Nord) – président de la Section Avenir & Innovation, diplômé en droit de UC Berkeley, LL.M.
La conférence est initiée par Aubin Gonzalez Lapos, Secrétaire Général Exécutif de France-Amériques.